This is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition, it offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. It features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.
A well respected six-volume contemporary dictionary of the Bible offering the most up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects and topics.
Atla Religion Database® with AtlaSerials PLUS® (Atlas PLUS®) combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with Atla’s largest collection of full text religion and theology journals. AtlasPLUS contains more than 480 full text titles, including all AtlaSerials® (Atlas®) titles.
Includes titles from such scholarly series as The Library of New Testament Studies, The Library of Hebrew/Old Testament Studies, T&T Handbooks, International Critical Commentary and more!
The first major online collection of Karl Barth's works. Included in the collection are the English translation of Barth's magnum opus, The Church Dogmatics, in its entirety. The original German version, Die kirchliche Dogmatik, is also included as are the first 45 volumes of Barth's Gesamtausgabe, which includes hundreds of letters, sermons, lectures, conversations, and academic writings. These volumes are supplemented by seven additional German works that have not yet been published as part of the Gesamtausgabe and English translations of thirteen important texts by Barth.
EBSCO Discovery Service is a web-based search tool that helps users find content from many publishers. It can search for a variety of materials, including: journal articles, Primary sources, Educational videos, Encyclopedia articles, and E-books. In addition, EDS incorporates results from ATLAS PLUS, JSTOR, Academic Complete, Oxford, Bloomsbury and more!
As its foundation, the EBR contains the most up-to-date information on the origins and development of the Bible in the canons of Judaism and Christianity. It then documents the history of biblical interpretation and reception, not only in Christianity and Judaism, but also in Islam and other non-Western religious traditions and movements. It further innovates by recording how biblical texts have been read, interpreted, and integrated into thought, science, and culture throughout the centuries, summarizing the most recent scholarly research on the reception of the Bible in an array of academic disciplines such as classics and archaeology as well as a wide range of cultural and humanistic fields, such as literature, visual arts, music, film, and dance. Its interdisciplinary approach thus transcends a purely theological or religious perspective.
Ministry Matters offers practical and immediate inspiration for preachers, teachers, and worship leaders. With thousands of original articles and blogs, unique book reviews, and weekly worship and preaching helps in our This Sunday area, Ministry Matters provides both community and inspiration to Christian leaders. Tens of thousands of pages of full-text research and reference materials are available in our Premium Subscription--everything from The New Interpreter's Bible and the Abingdon Old and New Testament Commentaries to devotions, prayers, and sermon starters.
New Testament Abstracts Online offers a growing collection of abstracts for religion and biblical theology research. Each year, an additional 2,000 articles from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages are selected for inclusion. In addition, approximately 900 current books are also summarized annually. Article coverage in the database dates back to 1977.
Oxford Bibliographies Online - Biblical studies is an invaluable resource for navigating modern academic study of the Bible by helping its users find authoritative and scholarly research covering a wide variety of Biblical subjects. It's contributors offer expertise ranging from Egyptology and Assyriology to sociological and feminist studies.
Includes access links and descriptions to more than twenty authoritative reference works from Oxford University Press. For students, teachers, clergy, and any reader seeking up-to-date ecumenical resources.
The focus of this ambitious open access series is on the ancient Near East, including ancient Israel and its literature, from the early Neolithic to the early Hellenistic eras.
"The Anti-racism Digital Library serves as a clearinghouse for information resources about people, groups, and projects who are building inclusive and caring communities. Anti-racism can be defined as some form of focused and sustained action, which includes inter-cultural, inter-faith, multi-lingual and inter-abled (i.e. differently abled) communities with the intent to change a system or an institutional policy, practice, or procedure which has racist effects." Founded and curated by Dr. Anita Coleman, "a PC(USA) anti-racism facilitator, ordained Deacon, contemplative, and lay theologian who teaches Bible Studies integrated with the practice of mindfulness."
This collection, part of HeinOnline's Social Justice Suite, contains materials relating to the gay rights movement in America from 1950 until present day, including an interactive timeline, subject-coded court cases, scholarly articles, books, pamphlets, and reports.