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Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation

Guide to digital resources for the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation located in Charlotte, NC.

About the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation

The Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation operates from the seminary’s Charlotte campus and is directed by Associate Professor of Bible Rodney S. Sadler Jr. Grounded in a ministry that is mandated in scripture, its two main goals are to remind people in seminary of the significance of social justice work as part of ministry and to bring the activist community into the seminary.

The center’s areas of focus include: urban ministry concerns, social justice ministry concerns, contemporary issues, black church studies, LGBTQ ministry and justice issues, and evangelism from a social justice perspective.

About This Guide

This guide has been created to support the mission of the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation with a collection of extant digital and physical resources pertaining to the CSJR's areas of focus including: urban ministry concerns, social justice ministry concerns, contemporary issues, black church studies, LGBTQ ministry and justice issues, and evangelism from a social justice perspective. Each area of study has been given it's own unique page in the guide.

Use the navigation menu to the left to explore the resources associated with the different areas of focus.

Although there are links provided for the CSJR related eBooks and eJournals in this guide it is not a comprehensive list and other useful digital and physical resources are discoverable through a library catalog or database search.

Information on logging in and the different eBook platforms is available below. For other questions regarding digital reference discovery and access, please contact Ryan Douthat (804) 278-4217 or email