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Introduction to Theological Research

This guide is publicly accessible for anyone who would like to learn more about researching and critically evaluating sources, in seminary or in general. It also serves the 1-credit "Introduction to Theological Research" course as the site for homework pr

Class Prep: To Do

  1. Visit: Our library catalog ( and search for a keyword, then click into one of your book results. Scroll down and find the subject headings in the listing. Click them and see what happens. Try using some of the options in the “Limit Search Results” column on the left side of the page. Start getting comfortable clicking around in the library catalog.

Class Prep: Watch

The libraries on UPSem's Richmond and Charlotte campuses use different cataloging systems. The Richmond library is ordered using the Library of Congress cataloging system, like most colleges and universities. The Charlotte library is ordered using the Dewey Decimal System, like most smaller public and school libraries.

If you are based on the Richmond campus, watch the first video below.

If you are based on the Charlotte campus, watch the second video below.

Or, if you REALLY want to understand how to use libraries of different types, watch both!