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In the Instructional Resource Center

What is the IRC?

The Instructional Resource Center (or IRC) is located on the 2nd floor East of Morton Library, although many of the collections and services are available to both the Charlotte and Richmond Seminary communities.

Audiovisual Collections (physical and streaming) Research Instruction Workshops
Children's Picture Books and Chapter Books Instructional and Web Technology Instruction Workshops
Graphic Novels and Non-Fiction Writing Workshops
Christian Education Curriculum Collection
(available in Richmond ONLY)
Smithy Makerspace
(Most of the equipment is in Richmond ONLY)

IRC Summer Hours

Summer Staffed Hours

M: 10 am -- 5 pm

T:  10 am -- 5 pm

W: 10 am -- 5 pm

T:  10 am -- 5 pm

F:  Not staffed consistently

*NB: The IRC will not be staffed during lunch.