1) UPSem Library Resources
Databases – Visit Tutorial
a. Electronic catalog shows Charlotte and Richmond books unless you specify location
b. To request a book from Richmond, place a hold on the book and you will be asked to sign in to your library account
c. Library Blog is at the bottom of the library website
d. Remember that all databases have explanation as to their purpose
e. ATLA-RDB (Your network user ID and password—same as Blackboard and Campus email—get you into all databases)
i. Premier Journal database (but not the only one!)
ii. Use tutorials to learn scripture search techniques
iii. Printing articles calls for exact page delineation.
iv. Can use EBSCO download for smartphone and/or ipad use
f. Bible Reference/iPreach has changed to Ministry Matters:
i. Password is the same for all databases (see ATLA-RDB above)
ii. Good for full-text commentaries and other reference-type of resources plus local church resources
g. Other Online Databases
i. Academic Search Complete -- Very similar to ATLA-RDB
ii. New and Old Testament Abstracts (remember: abstracts only
h. Resource Guides
i. "Internet Resources for Theological Students"
ii. "Biblical and Theological Resources"
iii. "Guide to the Research Process"
2) 2) Charlotte Library--Overview and Resources
a. Place to study and find print material
b. Public computers & Laptop computers that can be checked out (in
c. Print stations copy, print, and email for free
d. Periodicals – Find print copies in Charlotte library and access to electronic versions through UPSem Library
e World Cat—Great way to find books in area libraries and to properly cite a resource
f. Carolinas Theological Library Consortium
g. Bibleworks 10 – On library public computers and designated laptops. Hope to have training classes in Charlotte.