Resources available from Charlotte and Morton libraries give deep, authoritative, and broad access to information that cannot be matched by internet material. Students are encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. Yet, with a careful and watchful eye there are times when internet material can be helpful, particularly with historical material. The challenge is how narrow or broad should the subject of theology go? In some ways, all subject areas in this subject guide are theology-based and it is artificial to separate them into different disciplines. In other ways, if theology is so broadly defined, a subject guide can get so unwieldy that it becomes unmanageable. I have taken a very practical approach by listing resources that would fall mostly into the area of a general theology class. This is a start. Many of the websites have lots of options and places to go. I have tried to find the more impressive websites in order to save you some time and energy. I hope you will agree.
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) is one of the largest and best online collections of Christian theological and spiritual works. Directed by Harry Plantinga at Calvin College, the library contains an immense assortment of electronic texts ranging from the earliest of Christian theologians through to 19th century authors. Notable offerings include: the complete Early Church Fathers series (all thirty-eight volumes of the Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene Fathers are available); the works of St Thomas Aquinas (English translations of the Summa Theologica and Catena Aurea are available); and a selection of works by Anselm, Dante, Walter Hilton, St John of the Cross, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Foxe, John Wesley, and many others.
This is the website of the Center of Theological Inquiry, an independent academic centre committed to fostering theological research, founded in 1978 and associated with Princeton Theological Seminary. The Center provides residence for scholars carrying out theological research, conducts research groups, holds periodic conferences, and offers a series of public lectures once a year. Several eminent theologians have delivered the lectures at the Center, including: Keith Ward; Thomas Torrance; Jurgen Moltmann; N.T. Wright; Wolfhart Pannenberg; David Tracy; John Milbank; and many others. The Center publishes an annual anthology of the public lectures entitled 'Reflections', the past issues of which are freely available online. The site is well presented and accessible.
Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
This web site includes numbers historic church documents: creeds, confessions, catechisms, Calvin’s Institutes, etc. The mission statement as given on the webpage, “the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA) is dedicated to providing biblically sound online resources for the edification of God’s people. The Center is committed to the system of doctrine known as Calvinism, which we see to be the most biblically faithful systematization of the Bible’s teachings.”
Wabash Center: Guide to Internet Resources for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion
A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study and practice of religion.
Early Modern Theology (Hekman Library)
A Guide put together by Hekman Library. This is how it is introduced, “For the purposes of categorization, "Reformed" is a varied and broad category, including those authors who subscribed to the major national confessions: Thirty-Nine Articles, Heidelberg Catechism, and Gallican, Belgic, Scots, Second Helvetic, and Westminster confessions. Therefore, late-17th century authors who would be considered transitional, as well as both Anglican Reformed and Dissenters, are included.
The Hall of Church History is an extensive guide to church history resources on the Internet. It covers most major schools of thought within Christianity from the church fathers through to 20th century figures, including sections on heretics and cults as well as the more orthodox. There is also a page of historically important creeds, confessions and catechisms. The structure of the site and the descriptions of some resources indicate a distinct bias towards the author's own theological views, which lie in the Reformed Baptist/Calvinist tradition, but, as good coverage is given even to those groups with whom he disagrees, this is still a useful and interesting resource.
The Ekklesia Project -- a network of Christians that are God-centered, church-centered, shalom-centered, and political -- aims to put discipleship and the Church as an alternative community of practices, worship, and integration at the center of contemporary debates on Christianity and society.
This is a blog dedicated to documenting the original expressions of modern reformation.