Resources available from Charlotte and Morton libraries give deep, authoritative, and broad access to information that cannot be matched by internet material. Students are encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. Yet, with a careful and watchful eye there are times when internet material can be helpful, particularly with historical material. The challenge is how narrow or broad should the subject of theology go? In some ways, all subject areas in this subject guide are theology-based and it is artificial to separate them into different disciplines. In other ways, if theology is so broadly defined, a subject guide can get so unwieldy that it becomes unmanageable. I have taken a very practical approach by listing resources that would fall mostly into the area of a general theology class. This is a start. Many of the websites have lots of options and places to go. I have tried to find the more impressive websites in order to save you some time and energy. I hope you will agree.
The Ekklesia Project
An important project/statement on discipleship-centered ideas about the Gospel and the Christian life that is endorsed by significant theologians and church leaders. It calls the church to a different way of living.
Mepkin Abbey
This is the home page of a Trappist Monastery in South Carolina. This is a well designed web site which serves as an excellent introduction to monasticism.
The Order of St. Benedict
This well organized web site provides a wealth of information about monasticism and spirituality in the Catholic tradition. Spiritual Path for Anyone Seeking A Path Toward God
Perhaps more for the seeking congregant, what makes this Episcopal web site a bit unique is that it is one of the few non-evangelical/conservative web sites that includes sermons under topics such as Exploring God’s Love, Exploring Your Faith, and Explore the Church. There is also a “Questions of Faith” section and a “Voices of Faith Section.”
Lift Up Your Hearts: Christian Spirituality Links
This web site is full of helpful resources for Christian spirituality, formation and devotion. The emphasis is upon (historical) resources of a practical nature born in the current climate of ecumenical conversation and corporate wisdom. The emphasis is on the evangelical-catholic tradition of the Lutheran community.
The Mission of St. Clare: The Daily Office
The Online Daily Office exists to give busy people a way to participate in Morning and Evening Prayer including the readings and psalms for each day (along with a bit of music!). In other words, it is an internet devotion/Daily Office based on services from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. You will also find Noonday Prayer, Compline, and Devotions for Individuals and Families here.
The Universalis web site has been created, to give us all, the chance to participate in the Church’s universal prayer. It uses the version of the Liturgy of the Hours given in the Roman Breviary and is arranged by Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer, and (a search) Calendar. This web site has won recognition.