Please note: Resources in this guide that are marked with a † are designed to do a lot of the “heavy lifting” of language study, such as parsing and glossing words, in order to be accessible to users whose advanced skills for doing language-based textual study are not as sharp as they once were. They are great resources for everyday devotional reading, for sermon and Bible study prep, and for re-familiarizing yourself with a language you have studied in the past. But be aware — depending on sources like these while you are learning the language definitely will hinder your ability to learn and understand the language. If you are currently taking Hebrew or Greek, always ask your professor if and when it is/is not okay to use these sources, because they can be considered cheating!

Feel free to bring your language-related questions to the Reference room in Richmond anytime! My academic specialty is biblical Hebrew, and I am also comfortable working with koine Greek and post-biblical Hebrew. Other languages with which I have working familiarity include Aramaic, Latin, French, Italian, German, and some Spanish.
I would love to help you learn to use reference resources for language study, refresh your knowledge of grammar, learn to use Accordance biblical studies software, or simply find an answer to whatever language questions are on your mind!