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Concordances & Analytical Concordances
- Aland, Kurt. Vollständige Konkordanz zum Griechischen Neuen Testament. 2 volumes. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1978.
- Richmond: REF. CD 23 V924 bds. 1-2
- The title is in German but you don’t need to know German to use this. It lists every Greek word in the NT in alphabetical order and breaks down how often it occurs in each biblical book (it doesn’t give the specific textual references), and all total. It also breaks down roots into each form that occurs in the NT and identifies hapax legomena in each book.
- † Clapp, Philip S., Barbara Friberg, and Timothy Friberg, eds. Analytical Concordance of the Greek New Testament. 2 volumes. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991. REF CD 23 C589 vols. 1 & 2.
- Richmond: REF. CD 23 C589 Vols.1 & 2
- Charlotte: REF. 225.4803 C589A Vols.1 & 2
- This is a resource for doing grammatical study more than individual word studies. Volume 1 has a lexical focus: that is, it is a concordance that has each word segregated by its individual forms. Additionally, each word has a grammatical tag attached to it, allowing for study of the grammatical role of that word in its literary context as compared with other uses of the same word in the NT. The second volume’s focus is grammatical: it divides words by their part of speech (adjectives, verbs, conjunctions, etc.).
- Hoffmann, Paul, Thomas Hieke, and Ulrich Bauer, eds. Synoptic Concordance: A Greek Concordance to the First Three Gospels in Synoptic Arrangement, statistically evaluated, including occurrences in Acts. 4 volumes. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2000.
- Richmond: REF. CD 23 H711 vols. 1-4
- Charlotte: REF. 226.048 H7111S vols. 1-4
- Organized by lemma, this resource gives statistical data on a word’s usage in the Synoptic gospels and in the NT overall and an English gloss, as well as parallels for the texts in other gospels. Thus you can see whether other gospel writers have altered, rearranged, or omitted the word.